🐉⚔️⚡️Shadows and Dust (Shadow Zone) 📖

Episode 27 – Shadow Zone is available for your reading pleasure!

A dark figure emerged from the blackness like a specter rising from the grave and grabbed her. “They’re tunneling in from all directions, clawing through the foundation! They’re about to bring this house down!”

Locked in Ezra’s steadfast embrace, she was drawn down through the floor. In the blur of the moment, talon-like claws swiped viciously through the air, missing her by mere inches.

Stillness washed over her as she found herself standing in pitch blackness. Took a few moments for her vision to adjust. When it did, she saw puffy black clouds undulating around her. “Well, this isn’t weird at all.”An echo carried her voice. It was strange. She could look down and see herself as clear as day. Just couldn’t see anything else. The sensation of floating in a void was bizarre as hell. She was standing on a surface, but there was nothing beneath her. “This place is a special kinda ominous.”

Ezra’s voice floated in behind her. “That’s the shadow zone for ya.”

“Was that a shadow blade you used earlier? That was dope. You should do that more often. With the right training, you could be a major problem for…”She spun around, expecting to see him, but was met with more darkness. “For the underworld spawn,” she finished, searching the abyss for Ezra.

“What was that up there, huh?” he grumbled, his voice reverberating around her. “What’s wrong with you? I tell you there are too many, and you dive in headfirst anyway. Fighting super vamps in a cramped space—that’s insane! Why are you like this?”

Snickering, she sheathed her blade. “Stay tuned. It gets worse.”

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