🐉⚔️⚡️Shadows and Dust (Death & Monsters) 📖

Episode 28 – Death & Monsters is available for your reading pleasure!

With their faces concealed beneath hooded cloaks, the congregation of demon vampires gathered around a large, deep pit within the pavement near the gateway.

Eyes narrowed, Havoc scanned the group for Voldrek or the female vampire in charge. But it was damn near impossible from this vantage point, especially since their identities were hidden.

Maybe her targets weren’t in the bunch. If so, where were they?

She glanced toward the forest, where sparks of gunfire and lightning continued to draw closer. The master and his lackey might have gone to face her squad since they posed a major threat to the coven. She shifted her focus back to the scene below.

Thick tendrils of fog slithered over the gaping pit, revealing glimpses of the huge Chingi demons inside.

“Well, that’s interesting,” Havoc murmured.

“What?” Ezra slid closer to the edge to look over. “What do you see?”

“Chingi demons trapped inside the pit.”

Their monstrous bodies were shackled by the wrists, ankles, and necks, leaving them spread-eagle to the world above. They screeched and thrashed about. Pure terror radiated from their luminous green eyes.  

For the first time, she witnessed a Chingi demon display utter fear.

Then, the realization hit her. “Uh-oh. I think I know what’s about to go down.”

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